Detachment comes from knowing that your true essence is a piece of the infinitely divine field of intention. It’s then that you become aware of the importance of your feelings. Feeling good becomes much more valuable then polishing your jewelry. Feeling abundant surpasses the money in your bank account and transcends what others may think of you. Genu inely feeling abundant and successful is possible when you detach yourself from the things you desire and allow them to flow to you, and just as important, through you. Anything that inhibits the flow of energy stops the creating process of intention right where the obstacle is erected.
Attachment is one such roadblock.
When you hang on to that which arrives, rather than allowing it to move through you, you stop the flow. You hoard it or decide to own it, and the flow is disrupted. You must keep it circulating, always knowing that nothing can stop it from coming into your life except any resistance you place in its way. Your feelings and emotions are sensational barometers for detecting resistance and evaluating your ability to experience success and abundance.
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