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Monday, August 1,2011

Beat the back to School Blues!

By Dana Gore  

I remember the end of summer vacation like it was yesterday rather than (gulp) 20 something years ago! Going back to school meant no more sleeping in, having to study again and the end of my FREEDOM! I’m sure most kids can relate.

What I didn’t know back then was how easy it could be to begin the new school year with some energy, vigor and believe it or not…enthusiasm! Here are some tips to help get back into the swing of things.

Tip – 1 PLAY For the more competitive personality, trying out for school sports is a productive way to meet new people, get some exercise in and quite possibly, earn a scholarship. If competition isn’t your thing (and it isn’t necessarily for everyone) learning to dance, speed walking, even going for an after school swim can do wonders! Exercise moves oxygen throughout the body with more efficiency, so to get the most out of study time, let off some steam and feel your best in your new back to school wardrobe…GET MOVING!

Tip – 2 FUEL UP I can’t stress how important it is to eat breakfast every morning. The central nervous system relies on glucose to function properly. In plain English…without food, there is no energy to feed the brain! To get the most out of class lectures and develop a heightened metabolism, make sure to eat first thing every morning and before and after any exercise. Stick with smaller portions of easy to digest foods such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables and lean proteins and there will be more than enough energy around to keep up with any educational and physical demands. The school years are some of the best years to build strong bone mass, establish self-respect and create good habits. Since most of us are creatures of these habits, it’s wise to establish healthy ones now. The person you’ll become later on will reap the benefits in every way!


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