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Tuesday, June 5,2012

You Receive What You Desire for Others

By Wayne Dyer  
As you review the attributes of universal intention and simultaneously vow to be those attributes, you begin to see the significance of what you desire for all others. If you desire peace for others, you’ll receive it. If you want others to feel loved, you’ll be the recipient of love. If you see only beauty and worthiness in others, you’ll have the same returned to you. You’ll only give away what you have in your heart, and attract what you’re giving away. This is a matter of great concern to you. Your impact on others—whether it be strangers, family members, co-workers, or neighbors — is evidence of the strength of your connection to the power of intention. Think of your relationships in terms of holy or unholy.


Holy relationships facilitate the power of intention at a high energy level for everyone involved. Unholy relationships keep the energy at the lower, slower levels for all concerned. You’ll know your own potential for greatness when you start seeing the perfection in all relationships. When you recognize others’ holiness, you’ll treat them as divine expressions of the power of intention, wanting nothing from them. The irony is that they become co-creators manifesting all your desires. Want nothing from them, demand nothing from them, have no expectations for them, and they’ll return this kindness. Demand from them, insist that they please you, judge them as inferior, and see them as servants, and you’ll receive the same. It behooves you to be acutely aware of what you truly want for others, and to know whether you’re in a holy or an unholy relationship with every person you’re involved with.


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