Can you believe the
holidays are here again? I am CONVINCED this year has come and gone even
faster than last year and the year before that. Have you noticed how
time seems to speed on by as if the seconds on the clock have picked up
extra momentum? As bewildering as it is to experience life at what feels
like an accelerated pace, it has taught me a couple of things I would
like to share with you. Time waits for no
one. We are all given a brand new set of Section: hours, minutes and
seconds every single day and once they are gone, they are gone! There is
no such thing as “double or nothing” when it comes to time. It can’t be
borrowed and there are no interest rates to profit from, so it is how
we spend our precious time that means the most! While there is never any
guarantee of how much time each one of us has, there ARE ways to
increase the possibilities of not only MORE time on the planet, but
quality as well.
Optimal health is definitely one way to ensure better quality AND quantity of life. When we take care of ourselves we feel better and therefore, do better. Eating foods that are rich in nutrients not only enables satisfaction in our overall appearance, but keeps us sharp and healthy. Exercise does wonders for managing stress and keeps our bones and organs cushioned with muscle tissue which helps protects our bodies from wear and tear. Incorporating movement into our daily routines keeps oxygen flowing to every cell within us promoting life and productivity! Optimal health is the BEST way to ensure longevity since the opposite almost guarantees us of a reality most of us would rather not think about.
Comfort and joy are our birthrights. The happier we are, the more peace and prosperity we feel and therefore, share. How does this relate to time? When we feel good we are at peace and our creativity comes out. When we are creative we contribute toward bringing joy to the world. We spend our time seeking ways to be an asset rather than simply surviving!
Wishing you and your loved ones a holiday season filled with peace, hope and prosperity!