“No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings.” – William Blake
Birds, while being among the most graceful of God’s creatures, do not have large cranial mass. In fact, human beings who are not gifted with much intelligence are said to have birdbrains. These birdbrains seem wise. They wake at the most beautiful time of day when the sun is rising and Nature is at peace. Yogis of India call this time of day sandhya, which translates as good to meditate, when negative ions abound. Niagara Falls, oceans, and the woods are awash in them. A day at the beach is a day at the beach because of their negative ions.
Birds also fly – one of humanity’s greatest desires.
And they do it with ease and grace. When people are inspired, they say they’re flying. Birds also sing. Most of us are so disconnected from singing that we pay to hear others sing. When we want to have a deep understanding of something we say we want a bird’s-eye view. When you look at birds in this light and ponder how we create war, who really has the birdbrains?
I’ve had experiences with birds that demonstrate they know vibes. This is a skill we attribute to cats and dogs, who warn us when someone approaches us with bad vibes. They growl and hiss to warn us. Years ago I was in the Swiss Alps, the air was pure, the vibrations high. I was a young man of 21, sitting by myself on a bench, snacking on post-lunch nuts during an advanced teacher-training course with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. I’d been doing a lot of meditation, so I felt as high as the majestic Alps themselves.
From the corner of my left eye, I noticed a small bird looking for food on the summer ground. I had an intuitive sense – I couldn’t say why – this bird was going to let me feed it right out of my hand. Within seconds, the bird flew over to me, hovered over my hand, and bravely put his beak and his little mouth on the nut, and took it away with him. After he ate it, he returned for dessert, and munched away for a while. A friend from my course was walking by and took a photo, so others wouldn’t think I was delirious. I think I might have been more delicious than delirious in terms of the vibes.
My second close encounter with a bird took place far from there in Mt. Rainier National Park outside Seattle, about 20 years later. I was on a hiking trail high up in the mountain with my wife. The air was pure, the vibes were good, and no other hikers were near. Again, I sensed intuitively that birds were going to eat from my hand. When I told my wife this was going to happen, the old Bronx girl thought I was being delirious. That I was nuts to think that a bird would eat nuts from our hands. So I told her to take out some of the trail mix that we each had in our backpacks and put them in her hand, because a bird would soon approach and eat right out of it.
Despite thinking her husband had gone off the deep end, she was willing to go along with this experiment.
And so she did. And so they did. One bird after another ate the nuts, seeds and raisins from her hand and from mine. After the birds finished off their mid-morning snack, and flew away, my wife asked me how I knew that this was going to happen. So I told her about my encounter in Switzerland, and told her that that time high up in the pure air of the Alps and this time high up on Mt. Rainier, the vibrations were very pure. The air was very silent, and the birds felt secure enough with anyone whose vibes matched the vibes in the air to eat right out of their hands.