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Tuesday, July 9,2024

Forty-four Years and Counting... Defending ALL Species of Animals

By Susan Hargreaves Author-Activist-Educator of  

It was 1980 when I first protested for animals: I stood with one other person in downtown Toronto, holding an enlarged photo of a wolf in a leghold trap.

Now 44 years later, I have a wish for my 65th birthday – it is easy for you to grant, and won’t cost a penny – help my fifth book propel the message of being kind to ALL species forward, by positively reviewing the book on Amazon here.

The “Veganza Animal Heroes Guide to Save Animals and the Earth” is the third in the Veganza book series; each one features a how and why to go vegan and recipes section, as well as action-adventure stories of rescue, courage and magic.

Delicious recipes were contributed by Jane Goodall, Maggie Baird, Heart Phoenix, Joaquin Phoenix, Tabay Atkins, Angela Means, Gwenna Hunter, Paul McCartney and the Veganza Heroes – Courage aka Sky Bison, Freedom aka Korin Sutton, Wilder aka Joaquin Phoenix, and Veganza aka moi.

Thank you to Joaquin Phoenix for allowing us to add a character inspired by him named Wilder. Who doesn’t remember Joaquin’s famous Oscar acceptance speech asking us all to consider the mother cow’s milk we put in our coffee, and the calf who was taken away? The Veganza Animal Heroes new character, Wilder, is drawn by Choice – he is the viral mural artist who also illustrates the exciting story of wild horses being rescued from the Bureau of Land Management roundup.

So, as I approach my 65th birthday, it is with a sense of renewed determination I continue to creatively foster empathy to change hearts and minds, and affect consumer choices in order to save animals and the planet.

When I was standing at that corner with my sign 44 years ago, unbeknownst to me, a woman went in after she saw the photo of the wolf in the leg trap, bought a winter coat, and never wore her fur coat again. By coincidence, her neighbor – who happened to be a friend of mine – told me how that one sign I was holding made a great, lasting impact.


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Also in Animal Heroes:

Also from Susan Hargreaves Author-Activist-Educator of
