The Witness Is Protection Program, a term that I originated, has basically been in effect since the dawn of Man, or more aptly, ever since mankind came to understand and experience the peace of Self-Realization. Some scholars say that the wisdom of the Vedas was compiled some 4,500 years ago. It’s hard to know just how many people have been under the Witness Is Protection program administered by the Universe, or Spirit, or the Laws of Nature. I know… you’re wondering what on Earth am I talking about.
To understand the Witness Is Protection Program, it’s essential to understand what the true nature of your Self really is. It’s not your personality or individuality; not your ego, as you know that to be. It’s your true identity – but because it’s in the nonchanging field of life that’s transcendental or beyond the changing sphere of existence, it’s typically not known by you or by your friends, and it’s not taught about in schools. But there is a way to find about it directly, and that way is called meditation, the simple technique to bring your awareness from your everchanging perceptions, thoughts, and feelings to your never-changing Self. Because your true Self doesn’t do anything, but just Is. It silently witnesses all the change both outside of you and inside of you.
The brief experience in meditation of this silent Self (Atman in Sanskrit), or witness (Sakshi in Sanskrit) is known in Yoga circles as Samadhi (steady mind). The first experience of the Witness generally lasts for only a second or a few seconds, because the nervous system is not purified enough to sustain this deliciously peaceful state for longer. Its deep relaxation – deeper than sleep – coupled with its expanded awareness – more so than in the usual waking state – makes this a fourth state of consciousness, as different from waking, dreaming, and deep sleep as each is from each other. Through the regular alternation of the nonchanging fourth state of consciousness in meditation with the daily experience of the changing three states of waking, dreaming, and sleeping, a fifth state of consciousness gets created in which the true Self is forever a silent nondoing witness to the three changing states of consciousness – that means witnessing your nightly dreams, as well as deep sleep. This delightful state of freedom is known as Self-Realization. Virtually every sage and spiritual teacher has encouraged people to reach this cocoon-like protected state of peace.
Experiencing through the Witness becomes periodic as one evolves to Self-Realization. First it may last for a few seconds; perhaps you’re talking to a friend and suddenly it’s as if you’re watching your mouth speak and your mind formulating thoughts. Later, you may be playing tennis or bending to do the Downward-Facing Dog in your Yoga class, and it’s as if you’re silently watching your body do what it does. But because you have temporarily awakened the Witness in you, you realize ever so clearly that it’s not you who’s hitting the tennis ball, and it’s not you who’s bending on the mat. Witnessing isn’t a thought, it’s an experience beyond thought. And because the Witness is in the transcendental field of nonchange, nothing in the changing world can touch it. As Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita (chapter 2, verse 23):
“Weapons cannot cleave him, nor fire burn him; water cannot wet him, nor wind dry him away.” (Maharishi Mahesh Yogi translation)
The Universe has structured the Self in such a way that when you have realized It, you are forever free, protected and safe. I like to call this delightful witnessing Omland Security.