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Thursday, March 3,2022

The Heart Whisperer A Heart Opening Documentary!

By Susan Hargreaves Author-Activist-Educator of  
A recurring theme in many media reports with a positive viewpoint is gratitude.

Since 1980, I have been doing my best to help all species of animals to live free from harm. This includes the most abused group of animals in the world:farmed animals. Sometimes I feel it’s one step forward, two steps backwards.

This March in the year 2022 I am hopeful, determined and optimistic. I am on the precipice of hitting the animal-saving jackpot; this year we are releasing a bumper crop of empathy-fostering, empowering tools, and I feel grateful.

“The Heart Whisperer” is an original short documentary film by Shaun Monson, the iconic filmmaker behind “Earthlings” – narrated by Joaquin Phoenix, and “Unity.” The descriptive sentence would be: “One woman’s relentless pursuit to push the boundaries of our compassion.’’ The film has so many touching moments – the poster depicts a point in the film after releasing previously injured pelicans back into their natural habitat. We released three pelicans at sunrise on Hollywood Beach, another pelican joined them, and four pelicans circled and then flew off into the pink sky. It was truly beautiful. The message resonated clearly in the morning air: wild animals belong in the wild.

An outdoor screening is planned for the world premiere in Los Angeles at a wonderful sanctuary called Love Always Sanctuary.

My plan is to tour universities screening this film, as it focuses on the impact our food and entertainment choices have on other animals. The students will also enjoy scrumptious vegan fare.

If you would like to support this latest project, The Heart Whisperer Tour, to empower others to compassionate action, check out


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Also from Susan Hargreaves Author-Activist-Educator of

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