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Monday, January 4,2021

Mother Nature Speaks 2021

By Susan Hargreaves Author-Activist-Educator of  
One of my roles for Animal Hero Kids is that of a Mother Nature storyteller character for early elementary school grade levels. The stories of animal rescue and advocacy by youth empower youth to compassionate action. I am so happy to add the new book “Veganza Animal Hero” to my repertoire! What do you think Mother Nature would predict for 2021 and what would she wish for?

2021 Predictions and Wishes by Mother Nature:

• I predict that more vegan products will be added to the Stock Market choices and sales will continue to soar.

• I wish people will choose vegan to help prevent future pandemics, stop animal cruelty and counteract climate change.

You can help make Mother Nature’s predictions and wishes come true for 2021 by supporting the kindness-to-all education and youth empowerment by

• I predict vaccines won’t entirely fix future pandemics - only preventing them by stopping animal-abusive overcrowding will do that.

• I wish more of a focus on preventing the creation of super viruses will be a priority by stopping the confinement, caging, and mistreatment of other animals, which is a breeding ground for super viruses.

• I predict more young people will become active in speaking out for all species of animals.

• I wish programs and grassroots “feet on the ground” organizations like Animal Hero Kids will be given more support for helping to facilitate the above prediction.

• I predict a steep decline of the hunting of wildlife will occur in the US as a shift in public opinion continues regarding the killings.

• I wish animal and environmental protections that were revoked during the Trump era will be reinstated and even increased.

• I predict the end of wearing real fur due to the risk of more pandemics stemming from overcrowded fur farms.

• I wish even the last vestiges of fashion companies selling tails as key chains, rabbits’ feet and all of the remnants will turn to humane, eco-friendly alternatives.

• I predict “Veganza Animal Hero” and “Animal Hero Kids Voices for the Voiceless” inspire people of all ages around the world.

• I wish the Veganza Animal Hero Claymation short film and the Animal Heroes documentary will be picked up by Netflix and Amazon Prime in order to spread the idea of being kind to all species of animals even further around the world.


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Also from Susan Hargreaves Author-Activist-Educator of
