Several years ago, when I was anchoring television news, a young woman approached me in a shopping mall. She knew the face but couldn’t place the name. Finally she asked, “Hey, aren’t you somebody?” I knew what she meant. Aren’t you somebody I should know? Aren’t you somebody I’ve little people pay taxes.”
Well, if there are any little people in the world, it’s people with that kind of attitude. People with small spirits. Narrow minds. The biggest people recognize that there really are no little people. Everybody is somebody and everybody is important. When a new employee told seen on television? But the way she put the question got me to thinking about how we categorize people. Famous. Rich. Important Very important.
I am somebody. I am me.
I like being me. And I need nobody to make me somebody.
- Louis L’ Amour
Who can ever forget the unfortunate comment attributed to a wealthy New York hotel owner? Accused of cheating on her taxes, she’s alleged to have said, “Only little people pay taxes.”
if there are any little people in the world, it’s people with that kind
of attitude. People with small spirits. Narrow minds. The biggest
people recognize that there really are no little people. Everybody is
somebody and everybody is important. When a new employee told radio
station owner Floyd
Johnson of Ann Arbor, Michigan, “You must have met a lot of very
important people in your lifetime,” Johnson replied, "1 never wasn’t.”
met one who wasn’t.”
If you want to be a VIP, start by recognizing that you already are one. When you believe in your own worth, others will eventually get the idea.