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Home / Articles / Columnists / Healthy Fitness Tips /  Setting An Example
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Thursday, October 4,2012

Setting An Example

By Dana Gore  


I happen to like watching weight-loss shows. Coincidentally, they seem to have a thing or two in common with my chosen field of interest .


Besides noticing the obvious… which is that we as a nation are dealing with a pretty big problem in regard to obesity...something else has caught my attention. It’s the fact that about 9 out of 10 times when a particular person is highlighted on one of these shows…it seems that their families/peers/children/parents, etc. are usually in the same boat.

What does this tell me? It tells me that someone, somewhere in these circles needs to set the example because this is where miracles happen.

Take childhood obesity for example. One can’t help but notice that when the child has a weight problem, so do the parents. Being that our folks always have been, and most likely always will be, our first and primary role models, this not only makes it a personal responsibility to engage in activities that promote well-being, but a moral and social responsibility also as well.

I’m not here to preach, especially since I don’t have kids. What I do have, however, is the ability to be objective.

This is how it works… If you read January’s Fitness Tips column about why you want to get fit, you’ll remember that I asked you about your own unique motivating factors. Well, today, I am suggesting trying this philosophy on for size.

Dana’s Philosophy – When someone decides to engage in healthy living, they are setting a good example for everyone around them.

The truth is, if you have kids, you can bet they’re absorbing every move you make. The same may go for your significant other, adoring co-workers, siblings, etc. So let’s just pretend that you’re looking for inspiration the next time you have a decision to make about what you’re going to eat that day or whether or not you’ll move the clothes to the side and actually walk on your treadmill. If you’re experiencing a lack of enthusiasm about the process of making a wise choice, why not stop and think for a moment that your actions may make you a hero to someone who desperately needs one?

When it’s tough to gather up enough self-love to selfimprove, perhaps consider taking self out of the equation and instead, make it about service.

Just a thought.


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