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Home / Articles / Columnists / Healthy Fitness Tips /  Give Your Dad the Gift of Health
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Tuesday, June 5,2012

Give Your Dad the Gift of Health

Fitness Tips

By Dana Gore  

Ahhh … decisions, decisions. As I write this it isn’t even time to shop for Mother’s Day yet…but let’s face the facts our dads are a little tougher when it comes to gift ideas. Flowers and candy don’t make the cut and considering that one man could only accumulate so many ties…it’s understandable that buying presents for this day could be a bit challenging. As time moves forward we witness our parents mature. While it’s natural and healthy, we want to ensure that they continue to experience life feeling healthy and strong. In honor of Father’s Day I have decided to dedicate this article to offering a few gift ideas to help keep our dads in good shape and happy spirits.



Idea #1 – * Beginner’s Yoga Class

Yoga offers impressive benefits. Considering that over time we naturally lose flexibility and strength, yoga is a wonderful tool to help improve range of motion, balance and focus. As we advance further into the information age we have an abundance of stimuli coming at us at once, so since yoga involves quieting the mind, this could be a useful tool for enabling mental clarity and peace of mind.

Idea #2 – Aloe Vera Juice

Stress, unhealthy foods and acidsuppressing meds take a toll on our gut and eventually we pay the price. The benefits of aloe vera used externally have been known for centuries and the effect it has on us internally is just as soothing. Aloe vera juice coats the lining of the throat, esophagus and stomach protecting them from irritation and offering comfort while providing nutrients to help promote a healthy digestive tract.

Idea #3 – A Walk

I believe it is our relationships with one another that enables love and inner-peace…both of which offer emotional and spiritual well-being. Why not take dad for a walk on the beach and get to know one another as people rather than parent and offspring? The connection that could develop has the possibility to invoke deeper communication and feelings of happiness. I think it’s safe to say that our dads will never count the number of watches he’s acquired in his lifetime…but his health and our love will always be the best gift we could offer. * Exercise suggestions always follow physician’s approval.



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