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Home / Articles / Columnists / Healthy Fitness Tips /  Not Motivated to Work-Out?
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Thursday, May 3,2012

Not Motivated to Work-Out?

By Dana Gore  

Are you someone who knows what you need to do to gain some strength and shape your body yet just can’t seem to find the motivation? If so, you aren’t alone. Although many of us are well aware of the fact that exercise is great for our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing, the question remains...

why are we so lazy? For one thing, working-out is just that...WORK. Anyone who has been involved in a fitness routine understands that there is some degree of discomfort to be felt if there are real results to be gained. It takes energy (something many of us lack these days), focus and consistency. Since these traits can be a bit tough to come by when our schedules allow us little time to breathe let alone exercise, I have devised a few tips to help make the commitment to your health more attainable. Tip 1 - Surround Yourself With Fitness-Minded People The truth is that we become who we’re around. Chances are you may know at least one other person who stays active even with a hectic schedule. Become their friend. Find out what makes them tick and keeps them motivated. Since thoughts and ideas contain energy, there is a high likelihood their enthusiasm for fitness could influence you as well. Tip 2 - Determine What Type of Exercise You Enjoy Naturally If you feel no passion for biking, chances are that spinning classes may not be your thing. If you have a love of dancing, however, then Zumba may be right up your alley. Instead of forcing yourself to engage in an activity that will feel more like a chore than a privilege, be honest with yourself and stick with what will keep you moving. While there may be huge benefits to be gained from trying new things, if it turns out that they aren’t for you, remember that movement itself is golden. If doing what you love will keep you active, stick with it. Tip 3 - If Necessary, Keep it Short and Sweet Research shows working out 10 minutes 3 times a day is just as effective as one 30 minute session. If time is in short supply, get in small bits here and there whenever you can. A few multimuscle group movements will always fare better than no movement at all.



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