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Home / Articles / Columnists / Healthy Fitness Tips /  If Life Weakens You, Well-Being Strengthens You
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Tuesday, April 3,2012

If Life Weakens You, Well-Being Strengthens You

By Dana Gore  
If Life Weakens You, Well-Being Strengthens You

Have you ever had a bad day? How about a lousy year? I know I have. There have been mornings when getting up and starting my day just didn’t seem doable. Maybe this is rather candid of me to share… but we’re all human, right?

Sometimes bad things happen. Jobs are lost, relationships dissolve or we just feel blue for no apparent reason. I know my year has had a few ups and downs already and it was during the rough times that exercise and sound nutrition brought me solace.

It isn’t nearly as challenging to take care of ourselves when things are going well. We are motivated, inspired and ready to move forward with making our desires happen. When we are clear headed we know how to plug into wellness. But what about those times when things just seem dark?

It is when we feel weakened by life’s circumstances that it is of UTMOST importance to pull together whatever resources we have to do right by ourselves. Somehow, I believe that many of us have taken on the notion that life will always be fair and just and when things go wrong, it’s pretty common to feel victimized. This is the state of mind…believe it or not…when we can decide to respond rather than react to disappointment.

When we feel alone and misunderstood we need every ounce of strength we can get. Since depression can stave off hunger making it easy to skip meals…what we really need is to be as sharp as possible. We need to have our own best interests when nothing and no one else seems to.

Our thoughts play such an active role in our reality, so when life knocks us down we can get back up by participating in our own well-being. Eating properly keeps the nervous system fueled and our energy up. Fitness…in any form… delivers oxygen to the brain which helps induce clarity and therefore, create solutions out of thin air.

I’m figuring you have heard the phrase “life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it”? Taking our frustrations out through exercise relieves stress. Responsible food choices keep our blood sugar stable and our minds sharp.

The next time life knocks you down, empower yourself with healthy habits. You’ll create strength and gratitude out of weakness and depression.


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