/ (561) 346-4577
Here in Florida we are still working through the heat even though fall is upon us. This cool, energizing blend is perfect to get your day off to a great start or for an afternoon snack for the kids:
• 2 cups Spinach
• 2 peeled Kiwis
• 2 cups Honeydew
• 1 c. Green Grapes
This combination of spinach and fruit works so perfectly together because the Vit C in the kiwi and honeydew helps your body absorb the iron in the spinach to keep you energized for hours!
Caron Barr is a Holistic Healthcare Coach who has worked in Palm Beach County for over 20 years. Caron is a Registered Nurse who became interested in natural medicine after several years of hospital work and eventually feeling the extreme signs of stress (adrenal exhaustion). While HEALING herself she studied Alternative Medicine at Everglades University in Boca Raton,
FL. It was there that she learned the tools to share her newfound passion. This lead her to a leading job at Hippocrates Health Institute where she worked with hundreds of guests helping them heal their bodies through plant-based nutrition and relaxation techniques. She is well versed in the diversity of people and health challenges South Florida brings.
Personalized Medicine is now in the forefront of healthcare. An individualized approach tailored to each of her client´s needs is a necessity in her work. Last year Caron founded Healing Housecalls, which brings her services into clients´ homes and offices.