In the last few decades, pet owners have become active participants in the wellness of their pets. With so much confusion surrounding the pet food industry, our clients come to The Paw Depot for trusted nutritional expertise. Upon learning about your specific pet’s needs, we recommend and set up well balanced diets based on your pet’s personal diet requirements. The Paw Depot specializes in all natural, holistic, raw and grain-free pet foods and supplements. In addition we suggest your pet drink Electrolyzed Reduced (ER)
Water for your animal’s optimal heath.
That’s right, ER Water is key to hydrating and providing mineral absorption for people, and pets too. We have seen amazing health results with dogs, cats, horses and birds that drink ER Water. ER Water produces the highest level of anti-oxidants, which allows for the reduction of free radicals and reversal of many effects of the aging process. Many experts agree that the properties of ER Water aid in neutralizing the harmful levels of acidity in the body that are a foun dation
for disease. This special water along with a healthy diet can help your pet if they are experiencing effects from diseases, food allergies, skin irritations, constant licking or many other health ailments. Proper hydration and diet are essential for your pet´s good health.
Stop by The Paw Depot, 1393 W Palmetto Park Rd, Boca Raton 33486 or call us, ph. 561-338-7450. The Paw Depot is conveniently located in the Kmart plaza on the corner of Palmetto & I-95 and offers FREE Diet & Nutritional advice, FREE Delivery of pet supplies and specializes in all natural, grain-free, raw and holistic pet food.
Bring a gallon container for a FREE sample of ER Water and could be improved any other including all bottled waters, tap water, filtered, distilled and reverse osmosis. ER Water is Non-toxic and all-natural. Your pets will love and prefer it!