Happy Herald - The Art of Letting Go https://www.happyherald.com/articles.sec-8541-1-the-art-of-letting-go.html <![CDATA[ Past ]]> From time-to-time, it is enjoyable and comforting to reminisce about our past victories and the good “ole” glory days.]]> <![CDATA[Deception]]> What is truth? It is the uncomfortable feeling that we get in the pit of our stomach when we have to tell another something difficult and painful that they do not want to hear, or admit to others that we are flawed and have made mistakes – sometimes terrible mistakes.]]> <![CDATA[ Gossip ]]> A wise person once said, “Before we speak, we should consider three things: is it true, is it necessary, and is it kind?]]> <![CDATA[ Excessiveness]]> While enjoying the diverse and bountiful pleasures that this world has to offer, it is important to maintain a healthy balance and perspective in all things.]]> <![CDATA[ Limitation ]]> Why do we allow ourselves to live limited lives, to think limiting thoughts, to be limited? Are we not Soul, soaring ethereal eagles of freedom and light? Yet over and again, through our narrow perspectives and small limiting beliefs, we imprison ourselves]]> <![CDATA[ Indecision ]]> Some individuals, paralyzed by fear and indecision, rather than choose and take responsibility for any unpleasant consequences that may arise from their choices, find it safer and less stressful to do nothing at all.]]> <![CDATA[ Separation ]]> Through the institutions of society, we are falsely led to believe that the “others” – those who are not like us in appearance, purpose, opinion or belief – are against us.]]> <![CDATA[ Abandonment ]]> Fathers, mothers, guardians, partners – those who we have depended on the most, abruptly taken from us when we are at our most vulnerable.]]> <![CDATA[ Failure]]> For many of us, the word “failure” elicits unpleasant feelings and emotions. Past echoes of discouraging and belittling voices well up only to drag us down, making us feel undeserving and incapable of achievement and happiness.]]> <![CDATA[ UNGRATEFULNESS]]> Life after life, through a relentless cycle of desire and manifestation, human consciousness and society fool us into squandering all of our precious focus, energy, and time, chasing after what we don’t have or need, like wanting our own pool, boat, fancy estate or an easier life.]]> <![CDATA[ Self-Centeredness]]> While it is easy to identify people who incessantly talk about themselves and their challenges, never once lending a hand or even thinking about what is going on in the other person’s life, there is no need to look down on or label that person as selfish.]]> <![CDATA[ Defensiveness ]]> No one living in a perpetual state of defensiveness enjoys freedom. Those of us who are always reacting defensively to life and to others, live as prisoners behind walls of our own construction. While we may feel safe confined to a limited space, we remain isolated and unable to grow.]]> <![CDATA[ Ego ]]> The seamless layers and webs of ego constructions are diverse, deep, and tangled, driving some with low self-worth into a relentless life-pursuit of overachievement towards materialistic goals]]> <![CDATA[ Living Fearlessly ]]> What are we afraid of? What amazing life opportunities are we being held back from experiencing because of fear? While a little fear is natural, healthy, even necessary to keep our bodies safe, the destructive debilitating fear is anything but healthy.]]> <![CDATA[Impatience]]> In our fast-paced, time-is-money materialistic society, it is human to want to live in a world without delays – where we can see results and rewards immediately without putting in the hard work,...]]> <![CDATA[Control ]]> In a perfect world, the best laid plans would never stray left of center, everyone would always remember their lines exactly as written, and our happily-ever-after would turn out exactly as we imagined.]]> <![CDATA[ Heartbreak ]]> Heartbreak is an emotional wound like no other. The sudden passing of a child, a beloved partner who leaves us for another, a furry companion who becomes lost and is never recovered – these can leave us feeling as if our very hearts were ripped from our chest and crushed on the sidewalk at our feet.]]> <![CDATA[Loneliness]]> Whether we have lost a lifelong mate or find ourselves living a solitary existence without close physical contacts, it is understandable that we will emotionally ache for companionship. ]]> <![CDATA[PREJUDICE ]]> To a certain extent, whether we admit it or not, whether it is conscious or subconscious, we all harbor some forms of prejudice, residual effects of our past conditioning, a carryover from the people who raised us and the society we grew up in. These past parental and societal influences have contributed to the construction of our current personality, our underlying fears, our beliefs, and our behaviors]]> <![CDATA[Procrastination]]> While it is understandable that many of us feel unmotivated and put off tackling mundane tasks, such as cleaning out the garage or organizing our messy, cluttered drawers, for others, procrastination is a more serious debilitating life impediment. When even the thought of starting a task makes us feel overwhelmed, exhausted, and unable to move, it is safe to say that we suffer from serious procrastination.]]>