Happy Herald - Clutter to Clarity https://www.happyherald.com/articles.sec-8539-1-clutter-to-clarity.html <![CDATA[Get SMART this May!]]> Oh, April showers may come your way, they bring the flowers that bloom in May…. ]]> <![CDATA[Let’s Get Your House in Order]]> It’s time to spring forward, and clear and clean your house! ]]> <![CDATA[Feedback ]]> For over two years now, I’ve been sharing my hacks, tips and ideas for clearing the clutter to clear the mind. While I hope that you’ve been reading, I’m interested in YOUR EXPERIENCE.]]> <![CDATA[February, Love Yourself Month]]> It’s that time of year when the roses come out, heart-shaped chocolate boxes abound, and, well, we express our love for our loved ones. Funny how holidays have one day designated to say LOVE, or THANKSGIVING, when really, each and every day we have the choice to be of LOVE and GRATITUDE.]]> <![CDATA[New Year, New Goals]]> It’s that time! Time to put away the seasonal decorations, basking in the glow of the holiday spirit. Follow up with family members, friends and associates in wishing for a hope-filled year of love, light, community.]]> <![CDATA[End of the Year Wrap-Up ]]> We can offer a smile, a kind word, a hug, a listening ear, and a random act of kindness – helping improve and increase our connection to all living things.]]> <![CDATA[PRACTICE C2C ]]> When it comes to organizing from CLUTTER to CLARITY, in short, we’re transforming from C2C. It’s sounds dopey and it probably is, and…my Goal this month is to ACTIVATE you… that’s right. ACTIVATE YOU.]]> <![CDATA[Clear the Clutter this Holiday Season]]> October has arrived! That means the beginning of the HOLIDAY SEASON. You know the drill. First up, Halloween. That amazingly exciting celebration of costume parties, decorations galore and candy, candy, candy. WHAT’S NOT TO LOVE??]]> <![CDATA[Here Comes the Fall Season! ]]> Time of Reflection At this time of year, I experience a shift that occurs as summer lumbers into fall, the school year begins up north, and we get back from vacation.]]> <![CDATA[Summertime Clearing]]> Summertime… and the living is easy… fish are jumpin’… and the cotton is high... Welcome to the WOOF! Dog Days of Summer. Here in SoFLo, keep that A/C cranked up and be sure to put on that sun protection… baby it’s HOT outside. But inside, another story. Time to take matters into your own hands.]]> <![CDATA[Find PAPER FREEDOM]]> It’s that time… summer camp, backyard BBQs, pool parties and just plain keeping cool. Full on SUMMERTIME… Fourth of July is here and as soon as you can say OOOHHHHH…]]> <![CDATA[Clear the Clutter and Let’s get Moving]]> So many of us consider moving or actually move in June. Others get married and celebrate Father’s Day. We love helping people move, especially seniors needing to move into a smaller venue. This is a challenge that we meet with compassion, dedication, patience and love.]]> <![CDATA[Spring Has Truly Sprung]]> For this month’s look at what’s possible with decluttering your home, consider that having an organized home is preferable over a disorganized home. True? True!]]> <![CDATA[Get a FRESH START to SPRING CLEANING]]> South Florida in Spring is about renewal. It’s about longer days of sunlight. Enjoying outdoor evening activities, while snowbirds thin out and head north.]]> <![CDATA[March Matters ]]> March is a special time to begin unpeeling from winter doldrums, snow, heavy clothing and darkness at 5 pm. Spring begins in March, and so we enter this month’s column with the anticipation of SPRING CLEANING and DECLUTTERING inside and out.]]> <![CDATA[Clear the Clutter... Clear the Mind™ ]]> If you’re like many people, you’ve set some goals and New Year’s resolutions just a month ago. So… how’s it going? Are you challenging yourself, setting sights for more, better, deeper?]]> <![CDATA[Kicking off a Successful New Year]]> We start out the new year with renewed optimism. Setting Goals. Making Resolutions. Activating exercise plans. We promise to spend more time with the kids, travel more, write that book, or take on a new relationship. All good stuff, right?]]> <![CDATA[Deck the Halls and Clear the Closets ]]> Nothing says “Holiday Cheer” like having friends and family over… and that means CLEANING UP your place!!! Cleaning every room takes time, and if you have clutter, well, it can take even longer.]]> <![CDATA[Let’s Be Thankful and Clear the Clutter]]> November is a special month. It’s our Thanksgiving month. Turkeys get basted, cranberries shine their light, and marshmallows find their way atop sweet potato casseroles. It is a time for family gatherings, and an opportunity to use those “once a year” platters, tablecloths, and the Publix supermarket-issued Pilgrim salt and pepper shakers!! Ahhhh… traditions around food, family and love.]]> <![CDATA[Holy Moly! It’s October already!! ]]> If you’re like me, you’re shaking your head saying, “Where did the time go?”, “Can you believe it’s October already?” Time, does indeed, fly by…. So this month’s column is dedicated to: TAKING TIME. TAKING TIME to enjoy yourself, your loved ones, your community, and your planet. TAKING TIME to smell the coffee, smell the roses… smell SOMETHING!!!]]>