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Tuesday, September 4,2012

Ask Gabe

Q: How does one apply for Section 8 Housing in Florida?

-William Taylor, West Palm Beach, Florida

A: Section 8 housing offers an affordable solution for low-income families who are having difficulties finding a safe and practical home. However, there are certain conditions that must be met in order to qualify for Section 8 housing in the state of Florida.

Your income must be below 50% of your area’s median income.

Additionally, your previous rental history should be clear of evictions, and you must have a clean criminal background. Finally, you must be a legal citizen of the United States or have an eligible immigrant status. Contact your area’s public housing authority to receive an application.

Because most areas have long waiting lists, you may want to apply in more than one location. Make sure you include the names of everyone who will be living in the house. You will need your current and previous rental history, along with your landlords’ names as well as your current address and phone number. Employment, banking and income information are also re quired.

Your application will ask for an explanation why you are applying for Section 8 housing. Be clear and honest, and remember you may be interviewed to receive your Section 8 housing voucher.


1Locate your local Florida Public Housing Agency (PHA) office. Section 8 applications or the state of Florida are not currently available online. The process for obtaining Section 8 housing benefits must be initiated in person at a local PHA office. See the “Resources” section for a directory of PHA offices throughout the state.

2 Request a Section 8 hous-ing application You will be required to provide information about your income, dependents, and any dis-abilities you have. You must also provide photo ID and your Social Security card to the PHA representative when you submit your application. Completing the application allows you to be placed on a waiting list for Section 8 vouchers. When a voucher becomes available, you will be contacted to proceed to the next phase of the Section 8 housing process.

3 Use your voucher to select a rental unit. The local PHA offices maintain a list of Section 8-approved housing in your city or county.

You will still be required to sign a rental lease and pay the balance of the rent that your voucher does not cover each month. You will also be responsible for utility payments unless they are included in the rental agreement.

Questions to or (954) 562-0110 to “Ask Gabe” in person.


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