Chin Rubbing Chin Rubbing is another sign that the customer is approaching a buying. Whenever a prospect goes into deep thought, his hand comes to his chin and his head goes down. If you are talking with a prospect and he begins rubbing his chin and thinking, stop talking immediately. Your customer has now gone inward and is no longer listening to you. If you continue to speak, you will sound like a droning noise in the room, like a big bee trying to get out the window. Instead, become perfectly silent.
If you are talking with a prospect and he begins rubbing his chin and thinking, stop talking immediately. Your customer has now gone inward and is no longer listening to you.
While the customer is rubbing his chin, he is processing your offer. He is thinking through how he can buy your product, how he can pay for it, how he will use it, where he will put it, and so on. When his hand comes down from his chin, his head comes up, and you make eye contact with him, in 99 percent of cases, the decision to buy has been made. At this point, smile and ask a closing question, such as, "How soon do you need this?" Then sit silently until you get confirmation.