I am always on the hunt for new products to not only try but to inform my readers about. Recently I was trying to figure out an alternative solution to the R12 refrigerant that is in one of my classic vehicles. A 1971 Cadillac. I happened to stumble onto a website of Auto Refrigerants, www.autorefridgerents.com and I was curious to learn more about their product. I heard from other Auto Repair shops in the area that there was a product on the market that out performed the original R-12 freon. So I began my search and came upon the above website.
From what I read it sounded like something I wanted to at least try. I contacted the company to learn more about their product and after talking to one of their technical department I was convinced to try it. What I found out was that Envro-Safe ES-12R is extremely efficient! ENVIRO-SAFE ES-12a is up to 32% more efficient than R-12 and much more efficient than R-134a. This means less wear on your refrigeration system, substantial energy savings and reduced operating costs. With ENVIRO-SAFE the compressor will load approximately 2-3 hp only. ENVIRO-SAFE ES-12a’s boiling temperature is -30.4ºF. ENVIRO-SAFE ES-12a was designed as an R-12 replacement in all R-12 applications.
Yes! ENVIRO-SAFE is an “ENVIRONMENTALLY SAFE” organic, non-toxic, non-ozone depleting hydrocarbon compound. ENVIRO-SAFE is a hydrocarbon refrigerant and has been endorsed by GreenPeace. It is in full compliance with the UN Montreal Protocol. Like most organic materials ENVIRO-SAFE is flammable, but its ignition temperature is 1585ºF at both 5 psi and 0 psi (which is better than the DuPont R-134a’s ignition temperature of 368ºF at 5 psi and 1411ºF at 0 psi). Nevertheless, a pine odor has been added to the product so that any leak in a refrigeration system can be readily detected. To locate the precise origin of a leak, it is recommended that a hydrocarbon detector be utilized. Most mid and higher priced conventional leak detectors will detect hydrocarbon refrigerants. In the alternative, either soap bubbles or ENVIRO-SAFE DYE-CHARGE can be used. ENVIRO-SAFE DYE-CHARGE is both visually detectable and responsive to black light. In a safety study, the prestigious Arthur D. Little scientists concluded that hydrocarbon refrigerants pose no significant increased risk or hazard over Freon.
ENVIRO-SAFE does not become caustic if contaminated with moisture or oxygen.
The price for this product is significantly less than the original R-12. One can of Enviro-Safe ES-12a is about $6.00 a can. 6 oz. of Enviro-Safe is equivalent to 18 oz. of R-12 or 16 oz. of R-134a. It is colder than either R-12 or 134a and has much larger molecules that are less likely to leak.
I have tried this product in my classic and so far the Air conditioning is working fine. I recommend that you talk with your local mechanic or A/C specialist. Never attempt to do any A/C repairs unless you are trained.