Mercedes-Benz is working on a game-changing innovation: solar paint. This photovoltaic paste could transform every body panel of an EV into a sun-harnessing surface. With this technology, EVs could capture enough sunlight to drive thousands of miles a year without ever plugging in. The paint is thin, efficient, and eco-friendly, offering a glimpse into a future where solar power might redefine the way we fuel cars.
Mercedes’ solar paint can cover an EV’s body, creating up to 118 square feet of solar surface area. In sunny Los Angeles, this paint could power an EV for 12,500 miles annually without needing to plug in. The photovoltaic paste is made from non-toxic, readily available materials and achieves 20% energy conversion efficiency. Imagine never needing a charging station again. This solar paint promises enough energy for most daily commutes in sunny cities. Could this technology make EV ownership even more accessible?
Unlike clunky solar panels, this paint offers a full range of colors, while letting 94% of sunlight reach the photovoltaic layer. Dark cars might just become the new “green” cars. It’s still in development, but Mercedes isn’t shy about the potential of solar paint. Could this be the beginning of a solar-powered automotive future?
Mercedes’ solar paint might just be the brightest idea yet for electric vehicles. Happy Motoring.