The wheel of destiny spins and we are born into this world again. Some Souls tempered, seasoned, older, wiser; some younger, lacking experience and patience, brash, headstrong, aggressive, swinging wildly. Born to loving parents in peaceful lands of wealth and opportunity, some thrust into struggle, sickness and poverty. While the present conditions we find ourselves in may not be so favorable or to our liking, know that it is but the crucible of life, and nothing is set here by chance. All cause originating through the unconditional love of the Grand Architect who has meticulously placed us, not only where we need to be to square old accounts, but to provide us with the best opportunities to forge character, instill discipline and perseverance, and awaken us to the great potentiality of our divine nature.
Our ceaseless controlling patterns of blaming, running, seeking, hiding from ourselves, and attempting to fill the void in our hearts through the gathering of material possessions will cease only when we take responsibility, accepting that none have never been victims of random events or unlucky circumstances. As all life originates from the Creator, every aspect of our lives too, both positive and negative, has originated from within us. In time, this foundational spiritual truth will take hold of each, and become the floor upon which all good works are constructed. Holding onto nothing but gratitude, turn away from the distractions of the false chaotic objective world and refocus within. Only in silence and stillness we will discover that the boundless materials that we have each been so graciously provided to build a greater, freer, more loving and abundant life, have always been here waiting for us to claim and use.
Close our eyes with sincere intention and invite Spirit to take our hand, for no matter what difficulties and challenges await, know that we will never have to face them alone, for Spirit will always be there to guide, comfort, and protect us. So dream boldly, and take confident strides toward your goals, but be sure to take the time to appreciate each magnificent and valuable moment in our sometimes-painful winding journey. From grand cathedrals rising upwards into the heavens, to humble, tranquil, backyard garden ponds, before the waking dream ever came to pass, each was first set upon its spiritual foundation in the imagination!