If you’re like me, you’ll love getting heat relief this time of year.
When I’m called upon to clear the clutter for an un-Air-conditioned garage, guess what?
I either do it very early in the morning, or as late in the day as possible. It’s simply just TOO HOT to be without A/C, much less decluttering for hours with no relief (YET, we go where we are needed!!)
August in Florida is a time for families to get their children “ready” for school.
Tax – free shopping for school supplies is the clue. It’s a time for vacations, And a time to read a good article in the Happy Herald or a NYT bestseller.
Here are some helpful INDOOR HACKS for the clutter clearing in all of us:
1. Start clearing clutter in an area that is relatively simple to do. It helps you build confidence, finish the task, and build momentum for more challenging areas.
What’s a simple starting area? Here are some examples. Start with one drawer. A bedroom nightstand drawer, a laundry room drawer or cabinet, a kitchen drawer chock full of utensils. One desk drawer can be a simple starting point.
2. How to repurpose, declutter and organize this “chosen” drawer.
1. Empty the ENTIRE CONTENTS onto a protected surface (use a towel, cardboard, something to protect delicate surfaces).
2. Wipe that drawer clean as a whistle (removing hairs, nail clippings, pennies, paperclips and dusty, dirty crumbs).
3. Appreciate what you’ve accomplished: Dumped the drawer followed by cleaning the surfaces. Tah Dah. You still with me?
4. Sift thru the contents with a garbage can/bag nearby. Toss out drawer contents by removing scraps and other OBVIOUS tossable things.
5. Now, consider design. What do you want in this drawer exactly? Do you have multiple items that need to be thinned out (I’m thinking scissors, pens, pencils, and paperclips!)
6. You may need or want an adjustable drawer divider, but hold off and get the contents sorted first, and see what you really require from a purchase.
7. DELIBERATELY, place wanted items BACK into the drawer, neatly and with enough room for other items.
8. Once you’ve sorted and placed the contents of the drawer BACK INTO the drawer, THEN you can shop or design dividers that fit, match and maximize the separation of things in a style you like (bamboo, cardboard, plastic).
9. Take a break. You’ve done it.
Within say, an hour’s time (or less), you’ve decluttered, sorted and designed a drawer.
10. Celebrate your win while you decide which drawer is your next focus.
That’s really the most basic and proven way to clear the clutter.
With momentum, good organizing background music, attention to what’s IMPORTANT to YOU, and some recycling mindset, you’re ready for an AUGUST clearing.
Of course, should your project(s) be too daunting for you, that’s where A Clutter Clearing Services comes in. We are passionate, efficient and understanding of your need for clarity, focus, minimalism and the like… Call/text or visit us online at: APlusClutterClearing.com, 561-706-7779. Ask for me, David Hall.
We can home organize quickly and with humor, removing the drudgery with a new level of “entertainment.” Don’t believe me?
Find over 50 five-star reviews on Google my Business. Enjoy the summer, enjoy your home, enjoy yourself.