While, Soul, our true imperishable form, may be beyond the reach of time, our human physical form is not. As the hand of time spins, the days, years and seasons of our lives pass. If all goes well, we may have the opportunity to experience the late fall when all the leaves are blown away from our branches. In this world, the only certainty is that life comes with no guarantees other than we will be born, and when it is our time to leave, we will hang up this Earth suit on the way out. If today was my last day in this life, would I leave with any regrets? Did I leave any stone unturned, any open circles which would fill my consciousness with remorse? Have I told all the people I care about how much I love them?
While there is great reward in wielding our divine creative powers chasing ambitious projects and planning for a grand tomorrow – as no one knows how much time we will be granted, we should not lose sight of the fact that the greatest treasures in life are already in our possession. That is life itself. Take a deep breath outside, still ourselves and our busy minds, and tune in to the subtle. By appreciating the color and scent of a flower, the sound of songbirds, the cool breeze across our skin in the late afternoon, we will be filled with wonder, inner peace and gratitude. Regardless of whether our lives are short or long, wealthy or materially poor, or if we believe in reincarnation or not, if we have learned to be a lover of life, and appreciate that each moment is the most sacred and precious gift to be cherished, shared and celebrated, then we will have made incredible spiritual strides!
When it is ours, or a close loved one’s time to hang up this Earth suit, smile humbly and recognize a life well lived. Be grateful that with every ending, there will always be a new beginning.
When one circle is closed, the process will begin anew, affording us even greater opportunities to grow and express boundless love and freedom. As each of our paths is so incredibly diverse and unique, it will be up to us to discover our joys and passions. Remember that we each have the divine power within to create any life or circumstance we can imagine. It is only ignorance, doubt and fear that will hold us back. With creative vision, patience and a healthy dose of hard work, even an ugly circle of stones lying in a barren field can transform into the center of a heavenly, earthly garden paradise. If we can but dream something wonderful, we can create a new reality brimming with life, love, joy and color!