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Home / Articles / Arts & Entertainment / Celebrities /  Larry Samson: A Renaissance Man Who Loves Love
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Tuesday, February 7,2023

Larry Samson: A Renaissance Man Who Loves Love

By Liz Sterling  

I don’t answer every call I get because of spam. It’s rampant now. I’ve gotten a couple that say, United States, Unknown Caller, Answer at Your Own Risk, (that’s a joke, but it feels that way) – what with BOT calls and AI running the show these days, hitting the answer key on the phone takes quite a bit of discernment. You may know the “should I or shouldn’t I” moment – when looking at the phone number, you’re trying to psychically determine if answering is a good bet. It turns out, the day Larry Samson called me, I struck gold!

A warm, heart-filled guy was on the other end of the call a month or so ago. He introduced himself and explained that we met 20 some years ago in my radio studio. He was a guest on my show to promote his book, “Check Your Dating IQ.” Larry’s passion was to help people find love in their lives, and he created Singles events throughout South Florida.

“I wanted to help others for as long as I can remember, and I was fortunate to meet someone who helped me to go into the nursing home professions. I became a director where I interacted every day, getting to know the residents and families. When I made the decision to enter that field, it changed my life. That’s when I realized there were people in need, and I could help make a difference.”

“On another note, after a few personal relationships, I realized I also needed help in that area. Shakespeare said, ‹This above all; to thine own self be true’ and I admit, I am imperfectly perfect, so I wanted to help myself be the best person I could be in my relationships. I learned though through reading and studying that most relationships break up because of a lack of communication. I have developed a list of A Words that are vital in relationships. You can use them when you are dating someone, or in your own ongoing relationship. The first three are especially important.”


Have you ever dated someone who only wants to talk about themselves?

I learned from Larry to value what the other person has to say; but he discovered that balance is the key in all relationships. Larry stressed that the most successful relationships are the ones where each person has their own interests, and the two people also share interests. He learned this from hundreds and hundreds of couples.

Larry also wants everyone in relationships to use Vitamin H for happiness and humor. “Some of the things in the world,” he said, “are difficult and create anxiety, so good newspapers and reporting should include the ability to lessen the anxiety in people’s lives, and let them concentrate on what they love: loving their families and making a difference in the world.”

Takeaways “Regardless of where you live and no matter how much you have, there’s one thing you have with you at all times, and that’s your smile,” Larry tells me. I often say, those who are friendly also attract others who are friendly, whether it’s friendships or in love relationships.

From Larry’s book, “Check Your Dating IQ,” here are a few questions you can ask yourself if you are looking to date:

Do you know what you want? Are you looking for lust or love? Are you receptive, open, using body language that is attracting others?

Is compromise an important consideration? Have you stopped talking about your last relationship?

Do you believe in love at first sight? If you do want to be open to attracting new relationships, Larry suggests changing things up by going to new places, doing things at different times, maybe even hanging out in the lobby of your building so you can meet new people.

If you are on a date with someone who seems to be looking for something better – that’s a clear sign you may not be with someone who will meet your needs. Also be wary of someone talking about themselves too much.

It’s very important to be yourself. Here’s a story Larry told me. A gentleman he knew was a sports lover, and met a woman. They had so much fun while dating, going to all the baseball and football games. Once they got married, she stopped going to sporting events because she really didn’t like them. It’s important to be honest and be yourself. You want to attract the person you can share a life with who has similar values and similar interests, and as mentioned earlier, separate interests too.

Liz Sterling is a writer, coach, teacher, broadcaster, advice columnist and inspirational public speaker. Meet her at:

Larry’s Reading Recommendations

Classics in the field of personal growth and human development
Spencer Johnson - “The Precious Present”
Dan Millman - “Everyday Enlightenment”
Louise Hay - “Heart Thoughts”
Dr. Wayne Dyer - “Your Sacred Self”
Barbara De Angelis Ph.D. - “Are You The One For Me?”
Gerald G. Jampolsky, M.D. - “Love Is Letting Go Of Fear”
Leo Buscaglia, Ph.D. - “Living, Loving, And Learning”
Thomas Moore - “Soul Mates”

Now back to the beginning of this article – knowing when
to answer the call or to say yes – that’s the issue.

Be open to explore all the opportunities that are coming
your way, each and every day, and make happiness your
prescription for February, the month that is filled with love.
– Liz

Larry Samson is an author, artist and poet. He’s written
“Check Your Dating I.Q.,” “” and “Love
Affirmations” (manuscript). His newest book of poetry: “Truly,
Certainly, Really” was written during the pandemic. He is
the creator of 3-D constructions of individual lives as works
of art to capture their essence, their spirit, their life utilizing
their memorabilia, and the developer of Immortalize Your
Life: Legacy or completed art to enjoy now.


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