Yes, they are some of the most common “go-to” New Year’s resolutions. However, would achieving any of those things really nourish your soul? Sure. We can all agree that being healthier is fantastic; having savings for a rainy day can relieve stress, and an organized garage is lovely, but what would any of them actually increase happiness in your day-to-day life? What would genuinely fill your heart with joy? These are serious questions we all need to ask ourselves.
Did you know that most studies show that loving relationships, friends and family make people happiest? Yes, meaningful connections and love are at the top of the list! I know it’s true, what about you? It makes perfect sense, yet many of us barely seem to have enough time for our spouses, family and friends. Work, chores, responsibilities, Netflix, video games, and social media dominates our time.
What would happen if you decided that your 2023 New Year’s resolution would be to intentionally make time for the people you love? I can tell you. You would undoubtedly be happier! To be more fulfilled, you must make time for those most important in your life and love with intention. Time flies – don’t waste another minute.
Ask yourself this: Is your marriage or relationship a priority right now? Was your answer a resounding yes!? It’s a normal response. However, did you really mean it?
Or do you spend more time looking at your phone rather than into the eyes of your spouse? Is work your number one priority? It is easy to take each other for granted with all the multitasking we do these days. Don’t let that be you.
Choose love above all else in your life in 2023. Love intentionally! Give an unexpected hug, say I love you, send a flirty text, say thank you, focus on the good, snuggle when watching TV, learn something new together, bring home a little surprise, flash a smile, leave a little love note, reminisce together, kiss a little longer, and go ahead – make heart-shaped pancakes! Remember that all the little thoughtful things we do daily make love flourish. Choose wisely.
May this coming year bless you with health, happiness, and much love.
Happy New Year!