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Home / Articles / Columnists / Monarch for Love /  Thanksgiving Time
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Monday, November 7,2022

Thanksgiving Time

By Michelle Hays  
Can you believe it’s almost Thanksgiving? Some of us are reveling in the joy of the upcoming holiday season, and others, well, maybe not so much. What about you? When you hear the word “Thanksgiving,” does it create a feeling of stress? Yes, it’s a busy time, and the preparations are a bit stressful, but deep down, what do you feel? Thanksgiving is supposed to be a time to reflect and be grateful for everything good and all the love in our lives. Think about that for a minute. Are you thankful for the love and life you and your spouse have created? If so, have you told your spouse how grateful you are? Or maybe things aren’t what you hoped them to be in your marriage. If you look closely, there are things you can genuinely be thankful for, even now. Are you focusing on all the negative? What about considering changing your mindset? Do you have a grateful heart?

Did you know that being grateful, thoughtful, and filled with love is a superpower? In the book “The Secret,” Rhonda Byrne says, “You have the power to change anything because you are the one who chooses your thoughts, and you are the only one who feels your feelings.” You have the power. So why not choose wisely? Why not take a moment to be thankful and more giving? To have a happy and fulfilling marriage, thanks and giving need to be consistent. I do realize that it is not always easy. We all have so much on our plates. I can empathize with you. That’s why I want to remind you to take a breath. Take a moment to think about being grateful today.

Yes, it’s Thanksgiving time, but the opportunity to give thanks for everything good in your life can be a daily practice that can transform your life! Think about what you are grateful for every day. Doing so can rewire your brain to start noticing all the little wins and more reasons to be thankful. Your life will change for the better almost immediately.

Here are some reminders of what you might consider being grateful for: Your spouse, your family, your health, laughter, a good meal, pets, close friends, your home, the smell of freshly baked cookies, family traditions, Netflix, fresh warm sheets on your bed, good neighbors, a good night’s sleep, music, not being a turkey, your favorite memories and of course, love. The list becomes endless when we have the correct attitude and mindset. So tonight, what will you choose to see when you look at your spouse?

Remember, love is a decision. Choose love.


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