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Home / Articles / Arts & Entertainment / Celebrities /  The Mysteries of Sleep
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Monday, January 4,2021

The Mysteries of Sleep

By Liz Sterling  
Every now and again I have an out-of-body awareness. I am looking at myself sleeping and marveling at the thought that I lie down at night, and something happens while the body is at rest. Have you ever thought about the incredible things that happen while your body is asleep?

For example we dream, maybe talk, some walk – although that is quite rare, some even get visited by loved ones who have crossed over to the other side. I’ve had flying dreams, especially when I was younger. There are many mysterious qualities that come with sleep. I was asked to explore that realm, not in the “Twilight Zone” genre, although it is tempting, but just for fun’s sake. Now I’m hearing the music from the series in my head. It’ll probably accompany you in this little exploration you’re about to embark on – so hold on to your blankie.

Let’s look at some of the science, metaphysics and experiential aspects of sleep. But before we do, it’s the New Year, and a perfect time to make resolutions. Getting a good night’s sleep is paramount to your health. If you are one of the lucky ones who sleep well and get your eight hours, consider yourself blessed. Here are some findings from

“Forty-five percent of Americans say that poor or insufficient sleep affected their daily activities at least once in the past seven days. Americans report good sleep quantity, but not quality sleeping an average of 7 hours and 36 minutes a night; on average going to bed at 10:55 pm and waking at 6:38 am on workdays, and sleeping roughly 40 minutes longer on non-workdays or weekends. Despite sleeping within the recommended number of hours a night, 35 percent of Americans report their sleep quality as ‹poor’ or ‹only fair.’ Twenty percent of Americans reported that they did not wake up feeling refreshed on any of the past seven days. Low life satisfaction and high stress were also related to sleep quality.“ Now that we’ve established that sleep is about quality as well as quantity, let’s look at some of the mysteries of sleep.

The scientific study of dreams is known as Oneirology. Oneirologists aren’t sure if dreams have a hidden meaning or not. Some say yes. According to, some researchers believe dreams are, “successions of images in our mind that occur during REM,” one of the five stages of sleep know as Rapid Eye Movement.

On the other hand, many believe dreams help to work out stress and to make sense of the world. Dream interpretation is a field of study that is very popular and weighs strongly with many. It helps the dreamer to learn about themselves through the symbolism and characters that show up in their dreams. Carl Jung was a leader in this field, and I believe is worth an investigation for greater understanding of how your dreams may be speaking to you, the dreamer. Learn more at: Stress and fear can influence our dreams and turn those dreams into nightmares. Additionally, some drugs, prescription and otherwise, can make dreams vivid and scary. What are nightmares? According to, “Nightmares are unpleasant dreams that cause a negative emotional response in the mind. These emotions usually include terror, fear, anxiety, despair or sadness. We tend to remember more nightmares than dreams because of their unpleasantness.”

What are Lucid Dreams?

Frederik Willem van Eeden came up with the term lucid dreams, after studying his own dreams. Lucid dreams are dreams when you’re aware that you’re dreaming. Lucid dreams usually only occur a few times in one’s life.

I talk in my sleep and have for years. How about you? Someone would have definitely told you and probably made fun of some of the things you’ve said. Here’s how that works: It is believed that sleep talking occurs during the dreaming state of sleep REM. states that, “Somniloquy, also known as sleep talking, is the act of talking while sleeping. Generally speaking, sleep talking is a common occurrence. Five percent of adults and up to 50 percent of children sleep talk. Most people sleep talk when they are stressed or sleepdeprived. Additional research shows more than 66 percent of people have spoken in their sleep at some point.”

Sleepwalking is rare among adults although it can be triggered by medication or alcohol. Children are more likely to sleepwalk, something that takes place during the deeper parts of the sleep cycle. Stress and sleep deprivation can also contribute to this behavior.

On a metaphysical level, it is believed that the soul exits the body and returns to a place of oneness during sleep time. Actually, in the Jewish traditions, upon awakening in the morning, a prayer is cited in which God is thanked for retuning the soul back to the body for another day of living. This prayer, the Modeh Ani, is a prayer of gratitude. It invites us to awaken from our slumber to be of service in bringing more light to our planet.

Sleep is ubiquitous.

It happens everyday for everyone.

Getting a good night’s rest is paramount to feeling good. Some tips and tricks are as follows:

1. mentally prepare yourself for sleep

2. practice a relaxation technique

3. listen to 432 Hz relaxation music for deep sleeping

4. use low lighting and eliminate all technology before bedtime

5. drink soothing tea at least 2-3 hours before going to bed

6. create a cozy bed: invest in great sheets and a comfy comforter

7. make a good mental relationship with sleep and affirm you will have it!

It’s a New Year – 2021 is here – it’s time to let go of all we fear, and live, dream and bring into our lives and hearts all we hold near and dear!

May you be blessed with good health, happiness and sweet dreams.

With love, Liz


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