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Home / Articles / Columnists / Healthy Living /  Creating the Ultimate Vision Board
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Monday, December 2,2019

Creating the Ultimate Vision Board

By Karen Ellis-Ritter  
A vision board can be a very powerful manifestation tool. It can even serve as a visual enhancement to your daily meditation. However, a vision board is only as useful as its intention and execution. In this article, I will detail the ingredients and techniques necessary to create the perfect vision board – and the things to avoid, that would likely dilute its effectiveness. A vision board should not be cluttered or hard to focus on. If you have a lot of imagery you would like to include, it may serve you better to create multiple vision boards that represent different areas of your life (e.g. lifestyle, career, relationships, etc.).

Here are ways to maximize the effectiveness of your board:

1. Prepare and Curate. Don’t just haphazardly cut photos out of a magazine – curate a collection! Choose your photos based on things you feel energetically or emotionally drawn to… images that directly relate to your aspirations, or images that invoke feelings of joy and excitement! If you have some Photoshop skills, you can superimpose your name on an award, or enhance the personalization of a photo that represents one of your life goals. High-res digital photos are optimal, since you can upload them to a photo-printing app and have them professionally printed on photo stock paper. This will look much better than a wrinkled, flimsy magazine page, and it won’t wrinkle when using a glue stick.

2. Find Motivational Quotes or Affirmations that directly relate to the subject matter and manifestation goals on your vision board. You can either grab quotes from some of your favorite gurus or create your own! Print them out on card stock to adhere to the vision board.

3. Include your “I AM” Words. “I AM” words embody who you wish to be and what you would like to access in your life. These desirecharged words are imbued with manifestation power when preceded by the words “I am”. I AM words can be used to describe a character istic that you would like to access (e.g. “I am powerful,” “I am confident,” “I am complete”). They can be related to a goal (e.g. “I am independently wealthy,” “I am a New York Times Best Seller,” “I am a wealthy philanthropist”). They can be words that describe a state of physical health (e.g. “I am energetic and strong,” “I am fit and pain-free”). They can be used to describe something you aspire to have. (e.g. “I have my perfect relationship,” “I have millions of dollars,” “I have my dream home,” “I have a thriving career”). Make them as specific to you as possible. Collect them, print them out on a sheet of card stock paper, and cut each phrase out separately, to be adorned with decorations. As you focus on each word you decorate on the vision board, it will imprint into your psyche and instill desire and excitement! You will put the words on at the very end, as their placement next to the right photos should be strategic and purposeful.

4. Decorate Appropriately. Get a few card-stock poster boards, glue sticks (Elmer’s school glue sticks are animal-free), and a nice variety of decorative tapes. The Dollar Store generally has an excellent variety of metallic and printed tapes to go around your images and words. Ideally, use a bit of glue on the back to cement them down, and then use the tape as a finisher.

5. Hang In an Accessible Place. The only way for vision boards to work is if you actually SEE and USE them! Hang them in a prominent, yet personal space that you frequently access. Set a time every day to recite your affirmations, quotes and I AM words out loud, while focusing on each image and letting it excite you and bring you positive energy.

6. Express Gratitude for the blessings that have already manifested – and for the blessings that are on their way! As you see the items on your vision board materialize, acknowledge this and remain focused on what is working – and what makes you happy


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